Thursday, March 7, 2013

       Assignment 5 - Blog: Most significant discovery

In the renaissance dance I did not really like either of the dances but I can relate to the country dace because in the Hispanic cultural when a young women has her 15th birthday or when there’s a wedding usually after you eat you get up and dace and have a good time. If there is any party then you learn a new dace and everyone else will start doing it. I just do not have and special or traditions that I do in my family


  1. Thanks for sharing that perspective, Elvira. Dancing at weddings and celebrations is a part of so many different cultures! It's one of the ways humans express joy, even though the dances can be pretty different. I'm sorry you didn't like the dances, though. Did you not enjoy watching the videos, or can you just not imagine yourself actually dancing like that?

  2. I just can not imagine myself danceing the way they did in the video.
