Friday, November 2, 2012

   Assignment 1 - Blog: How "place" shapes our way of thinking

I grew up in Lexington, Kentucky in the projects for about four years and it was in the rural area like around the city.Then in 1998 I moved into a trailer on a street called newtown pike. I had lived there for about nine years and I was about twelve years old. Then I moved to Denver Colorado with my dad,stepmother and two brothers. The apartments that I lived in was far from the city and close to my school. There were lots of buildings, and I remember there was this big opened land were some construction people were beginning to build a park. when it was done it looked really nice. While I lived in Denver there was this place called Golden Colorado while passing through there it had some houses and buildings it was like a town. My dad had to work there and he helped build a bridge. It seemed as if there was always construction going on.


  1. Elvira, I still love how you are using the colors to enhance your posts and make the blog your own! I really like the details you use to describe the places you lived. Do you think living in those different places helped shape you as a person, or do you think you just adapted to the places you lived?

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  3. I think that it did help shape who I was because I learned alot about myself. I also beleave that I adapted to were I lived and I met alot of great people.

  4. I think you're right that where you live shapes you in part because you change to meet your community's expectations in some ways. I think it's common to wonder how life would have been different if we'd lived somewhere else but decide we're glad we are where we are because we wouldn't want to give up our particular friends or people in our lives.
