Monday, January 28, 2013

Assignment 2: Blog - What would you choose? East West

The sport that I would Freeze-Frame is boxing. The reason I would freeze-frame boxing is because in my opinion it’s cool to watch on TV also in boxing you can see how hard the boxers hit. It’s a dangerous sport but many people like watching it on TV. The movement I would choose to freeze-frame as an art piece is one of the boxer’s gloves gliding across the face of the other boxer so that you can see that the other boxer can get hurt. I chose  boxing and that particular freeze-frame because I want people to know that violence is never the answer to someone’s problem and that someone can get really hurt. In my opinion I do not think boxing has a significant meaning in our society because it teaches you that it’s OK to fight because you’re stronger the someone else.


  1. I agree withyou boxing is not a safty sport. Its not funny to get paid to get beat up or beat up someone.

  2. Hi Elvira! I'm glad you got back into your blog. Thanks to Helizabet for helping and for leaving a good comment!

    This is a really excellent entry because it shows that you understand the question and gave it a lot of thought and shared your personal view. I think boxing is a great choice, and not many people have said that. It is common in art to show something negative in a very realistic way to make the point that it is bad and we need to look at it and understand it and question why we allow it to happen. You did a really nice job describing the details and I can picture the moment in boxing you are describing. Keep up the good work, okay?
