Monday, May 6, 2013

Assignment 6 - Discovery Blog

 In the study of MoliĆ©re's satire, I learned that you have to go through with what you say or do and not be a fake person. Also if you do not know someone very well then do not let them into your house because they could be useing you and you would not know it untill it was to late. If you do bad things in life and try to pull one over on someone more then likely your going to be the suffering. Also if you claim to be a christan or some religion then don't do bad things and then go ask God or others for help if you know your going to do it again.

Assignment 2 Blog-This Age of Satire

 In the Age of Satire when people wrote plays they were being sarcastic but at the same time they were trying to be serious about society and how people acted. If someone said they were faithful to their religion then they would convince others but then turn out to be a hypocrite. Like the play Tartuffe.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Assignment 4 - BA Study of Symmetry

This to me was a Symmetrical image that I drew I stared with the rectangles in the middle and then with the squares with the circles. Then I got the idea to add color and the diamonds on both sides as well as the other shapes so when you fold it; it will be reflecting symmetry.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Assignment 1 - Blog: Life-Changing Machines

One invention that has changed my life are the smart phones and how they are touch screens. I chose this over all the other invitions because instead of always staying in your house and calling someone you take your phone every wheres you go.Also you can look up a number when you need it or access a calender when you need it.

Assignment 3 Modern-Day Counterparts of Baroque Theatre

I went to go see a play when I was younger ,I dont remember what its called but I do remember that they used pullys to move the sceneray around and you were so focued on the actors that it just look as if the scence changed by its self.This is like the Barque Era because it used a machanry and it was easy to change scene and not take forever.

Assignment 4 - Blog: Dancing with Kings

If  I were a nobal women I would live this life because I am taking care of and even through I would have to do everything for the king he entertains us and we get to feel as if we are wealthy.

Assignment 3-Five Positions

                                    The Five Positions of Ballet.
1st position          Second position        3rd position               4th                  5th

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Assignment 3 - Blog:Renaissance Band

                                    The E.E. Band 

The three instruments that I chose for my band is the harp the Gemshorn and the Dulcimer. What I like about all three instruments are the Rhythm, Tempo and Melody. To me the harp and dulcimer sound a little alike except the harp has a more rough sound but still smooth and the dulcimer is really smooth. I think they would sound great together. The gemshorn sound like a flute and has a nice melody to it so it would give a nice pitch sound to the other two instruments. On the harp each string of the harp is attached to a wooden peg or metal pin. Strings are tuned by adjusting these pegs or pins. The harp belongs to the string family. The gemshorn shape is determined naturally because it is made from the horn of a chamois or ox. The gemshorn belongs to the woodwind family. The dulcimer often had one or two bridges over which the strings crossed providing the opportunity for more pitches. The hammers are held between the index and middle fingers. I decided to select these three instruments because they have a nice melody, tempo, rhythm harmony and they could be played to make a song for a child to fall asleep to.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

       Assignment 3 - Blog: Response to the Play
    I am going to see a play about two people who are in love but cannot be together because there families dislike each other. I it’s a terrible tragedy. I went and saw Romeo and Juliet the one written by William Shakespeare. I was so confused about the play. I thought how beautiful women can fall in love with a man that she has only known for a few days.
  The play house that we were in was very niece. We sat on benches and it was much crowed. Play is about young women who meets a young men and fall in love with each other but cannot be together because their families are enemies. Juliet is a Capulet and Romeo is a Montague. They must never be seen together or they can be killed.
  I would not want to be with boy because I am a lady and ladies do not be with other men and I want to faithful to my husband. But Juliet must marry another men named Paris,because he is a capulet and that is what her father wants. Instead Juliet goes behind her father’s back and marries Romeo. When the day came for her to marry Paris Juliet drank a poison that would make her sleep and seem as if she were dead. When Romeo got the news of her death he went to see her;not knowing she was dead he drank a poison and he died, Juliet did not want to live without him so she drank the same poison that Romeo did and she took her life. It was so sad to see them die. But I would not want to die for someone that I have not know for very long.
       Assignment 5 - Blog: Most significant discovery

In the renaissance dance I did not really like either of the dances but I can relate to the country dace because in the Hispanic cultural when a young women has her 15th birthday or when there’s a wedding usually after you eat you get up and dace and have a good time. If there is any party then you learn a new dace and everyone else will start doing it. I just do not have and special or traditions that I do in my family

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Unit 4 Dance

Clothing and dance go hand in by allowing you to express yourself in a creative and appropriate way. For example if a rapper made a song that was not aproate then they would hire dancers to wear clothing that made them look inappropriate. Or if a dancer was a ballerina then they would wear a tutu to hat she is a ballerina. You have to dress a certain way so that the audience knows what you’re doing or what your point is.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Assignment 2: Blog - What would you choose? East West

The sport that I would Freeze-Frame is boxing. The reason I would freeze-frame boxing is because in my opinion it’s cool to watch on TV also in boxing you can see how hard the boxers hit. It’s a dangerous sport but many people like watching it on TV. The movement I would choose to freeze-frame as an art piece is one of the boxer’s gloves gliding across the face of the other boxer so that you can see that the other boxer can get hurt. I chose  boxing and that particular freeze-frame because I want people to know that violence is never the answer to someone’s problem and that someone can get really hurt. In my opinion I do not think boxing has a significant meaning in our society because it teaches you that it’s OK to fight because you’re stronger the someone else.